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Two Poems


Arriving at Sunlight on the Brink

Interspersed with snare and Moments of chaos, Wild drumming electronic. Like the live- wanna hear it clash with the Electro Fade New primordial Brink Silence is breath stopping Stop breathing Brink of breath Shimmer Breath Perpetual loop Shift Round Tribe shift New wild Exploring the brink Drop in the bucket Intense Dispense Capture the brink Capture the shimmer The New perpetual brink Primordial brink Polyshimmerbrink Pulse No tragedy Cycle that is re making itself as it goes honing closer to that truth in some gesture the gaze and stance of real now sorrow hope lust greed lavishing the wasteful wealth that is destined to dry out soon so soon

it has to

we are not irrational numbers just

not eternal i


wet temporal sludge and watery bag machines. wild as wind is changing sands and swelling rivers washing their shores smooth after so much pent up time in ice.


The rolling androgyny of California’s landscape Flows determined uphill To chapperelle spotted stretches 70 miles to water, we fly on a thin circle of air. Sexless flat dry heat. Breath slow and swallow your words whenever possible.

Tiny homes dot a slow pace I want to make postcards out of these lives we pass I want to capture the romantic feeling of a large field of yellow I want to share some picture of where I am Can you understand this hill, the third one of the day and we are only five miles in?

Get to know the stranger Always around you means I’m more Always around myself On top of all the rigor Hoping for a kind of word It hurts to ask for


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