Founded by Artistic Director, Dara Silverman, in 2014, Agile Rascal Theatre began as an impulsive and ambitious dream to bike a play across the country. Dara made that dream a reality in 2015, along with six other brave and scrappy artists. We performed our first devised play, Sunlight On The Brink, in libraries, parks, parking lots, and bike shops in big cities and small towns across the United States.
That was bonkers. Learning from that inaugural tour, we reassessed and recommitted, not only to the sustainability of our travel, but to the sustainability of our company and the lasting impact we can have on the communities we travel through. With all of this in mind, we started focusing on specific regions and states to tour in. This time we cast the net wide to gather artist-athletes for our next adventures, building a company of passionate and talented artistic velo-nomads from across the nation.
From Florida to Montana, and far beyond, we intend to continue making wildly inventive, musical and funny plays with an environmental bent. Our shows are always for audiences of all ages, and No-One-Turned-Away-For-Lack-of-Funds.
Theater and Bikes share a similar relationship to our society: a history of being both the rich man's plaything and a means of lower-class, day-to-day survival. We aim to bridge this gap with creative resistance and make accessible both theater and cycling by promoting self-empowerment for every body on the planet.